Support AZAA’s Advocacy Work

All of us who use and depend on Arizona’s historical archives need to make our voices heard, especially now that funding reductions have forced the Arizona State Archives and other historical repositories to reduce their staffing and hours. You can help by volunteering your time or expertise to the campaign, by attending special events, or simply by sending a quick note to your state legislators or other public officials.

Keep an eye out for opportunities to share your support through our blog posts, newsletter, and Facebook page.

Advocacy and Outreach

As a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization, Arizona Archives Alliance serves as an advocate for Arizona’s historical archives and their users. AzAA brings attention to the poor condition of many of the state’s historical records, and to the risks, such neglect poses to the study and preservation of Arizona’s history. It works to ensure that the public has full access to historical records, not only at the State Archives but also at local government agencies. And it supports adequate funding and staffing for the Arizona State Archives and other institutions with archival holdings.

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