Care and Feeding of Your Intern

In October of 2015, AzAA hosted a one-day symposium on the Care and Feeding of Your Intern. The goal of the event is to raise awareness for the need to create archival internships that are mutually beneficial and community impactful.

Rebecca Goldman is Head of the Archives and Digital Initiatives Department at Connelly Library, La Salle University (Philadelphia), and is working on a MA in Public History at La Salle. She earned her MSLIS from Drexel University and completed paid internships at Drexel University Libraries and the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. Rebecca is the founder and past chair of SAA’s Students and New Archives Professionals (SNAP) Roundtable and the twisted mind behind the archives webcomic Derangement and Description. Though no longer a new professional, she believes internships are an issue for archivists at all stages of their careers.

Rebecca’s presentation slides can be viewed here. 

Maureen Callahan is an archivist and metadata specialist at Yale University, where she provides guidance on archival description and works on projects to bring better access to archives through technology. Maureen has held permanent aMaureennd term-limited positions in academic libraries and has supervised interns, graduate students, professional and para-professional staff. She is a graduate of the School of Information at the University of Michigan and Bryn Mawr College and is also the chair for the technical subcommittee for Describing Archives: A Content Standard. She blogs regularly about gender, labor, and technology.

Maureen Callahan from Arizona Archives Alliance on Vimeo.